Read This First

The reason that I am writing this blog is because I hate how religion becomes a polarizing issue. There are some parts of religion, especially Christianity, that are objectively hilarious, so I am choosing to highlight those parts in hopes that people can find some common ground... After all, there is nothing more therapeutic than being able to laugh at yourself.

I'm sorry if you get offended when I say things like "the Flood didn't actually happen," but if you believe that it did, you need to take an objective look at the world... Everything we know about evolution, genetics, meteorology, thermodynamics, geology, geography, archaeology, and countless other fields indicates conclusively that a worldwide flood did not happen. We live in a time of discovery and knowledge, and I believe that religion can and must adapt accordingly. A lot of folks have, and they have some really convincing arguments. 

I hate that I have to write this disclaimer, but atheists can be cruel and condescending, Christians can be cruel and condescending, and it sucks. 

Don't assume anything about me, don't take anything I say personally, and if you ain't laughin', get packin'. (At least until you lighten up a bit).

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